

         姓        名:郭晶心
         邮        箱:jingxinguo@scau.edu.cn




1. 水稻感光性的分子机制。通过正向和反向遗传学策略,揭示水稻感光性核心基因间的遗传互作,分子机制,起源驯化以及对产量的作用机制。

2. 调节水稻品种的抽穗期。利用基于CRISPR/Cas9系统的植物超多靶点基因编辑技术和基因微量调整编辑技术,创制不同感光特性和不同抽穗期的水稻品种,建立杂交稻亲本核心感光基因的鉴定和辅助选择系统,在配组前即可准确预测和获得期望感光特性的杂交稻,从而提高优异水稻品种的适应性和产量。













1. 杂交稻育性遗传控制的分子机理研究,广东省科学技术奖一等奖(2011年,粤府证[2012]133号)

2. 高效的植物基因组编辑载体系统和软件工具及其应用,大北农科技奖,基因工程奖(独享),2017年,证书编号:2017-DBNSTA-JYGC-HOLD-NO1-01-D7

3. 2021年,获得华南农业大学校“十佳班主任”

4. 作为刘耀光院士“水稻育性发育科研团队”主要成员,获得







1. 农业生物育种重大项目子课题基因高效挖掘新技术与应用

2. 广东省基础与应用基础研究重大项目子课题水稻高产优质关键性状的分子机理解析及种质创新

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,水稻特异抽穗期关键基因Ehd1的分子作用机理研究

4. 国家重点研发计划子课题,水稻抗逆性状功能基因组研究

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,叶绿体假定的IDNA拓扑异构酶控制水稻强光周期敏感性的分子机理

6. 基础973计划子课题人工选择下水稻复杂性状进化的基因组



1. Wubei Zong, Xiaotong Guo, Kai Zhang, Letian Chen, Yao-guang Liu, and Jingxin Guo* Photoperiod and temperature synergistically regulate heading date and regional adaptation in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany 2024, https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erae209

2. Wubei Zong, Yingang Song, Dongdong Xiao, Xiaotong Guo, Fuquan Li, Kangli Sun, Wenjing Tang, Wenhao Xie, Yanqiu Luo, Shan Liang, Jingyao Zhou, Xianrong Xie, Dilin Liu, Letian Chen, Haiyang Wang, Yao-Guang Liu* and Jingxin Guo* Dominance complementation of parental heading date alleles of Hd1, Ghd7, DTH8 and PRR37 confers transgressive late maturation in hybrid rice. The Plant Journal, 2024, 118:2018-2123. Doi:10.1111/tpj.16732

3. Shengting Li, Yanqiu Luo, Guangliang Wei, Wubei Zong, Wanyong Zeng, Dongdong Xiao, Han Zhang, Yingang Song, Yu Hao, Kangli Sun, Chen Lei, Xiaotong Guo, Bingqun Xu, Weitao Li, Zeqiang Wu, Yaoguang Liu, Xianrong Xie*, Jingxin Guo* Improving yield-related traits by editing the promoter of the heading date gene Ehd1 in rice. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2023, 136:239 https://doiorg/10.1007/s00122-023-04489-6

4. Kangli Sun, Wubei Zong, Dongdong Xiao, Zeqiang Wu, Xiaotong Guo, Fuquan Li, Yingang Song, Shengting Li, Guangliang Wei, Yu Hao, Bingqun Xu, Weitao Li, ZhiWei Lin, Wenhao Xie, Yao-Guang Liu, Jingxin Guo*  Effects of the core heading date genes Hd1, Ghd7, DTH8, and PRR37 on yield-related traits in rice. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2023, 136:277  DOI 10.1007/s00122-023-04476-x

5. Wanni Luo, Jiantao Tan, Tie Li, Ziting Feng, Zhi Ding, Xianrong Xie, Yuanling Chen, Letian Chen, Yao-Guang Liu, Qinlong Zhu* and Jinxing Guo* Overexpression of maize GOLDEN2 in rice and maize calli improves regeneration by activating chloroplast development. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences 2022 doi 10.1007/s11427-022-2149-2

6. Kangli Sun, Minghui Huang, Wubei Zong, Dongdong Xiao, Chen Lei, Yanqiu Luo, Yingang Song, Shengting Li, Yu Hao, Wanni Luo, Bingqun Xu, Xiaotong Guo, Guangliang Wei, Letian Chen, Yao-Guang Liu*, and Jingxin Guo*. (2022). Hd1, Ghd7, and DTH8 synergistically determine rice heading date and other agronomic traits. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 49(5):437-447, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jgg.2022.02.01

7. Rongzhi Chen, Yiwen Deng, Yanglin Ding, Jingxin Guo, Jie Qiu, Bing Wang, Changsheng Wang, Yongyao Xie, Zhihua Zhang, Jiaxin Chen, Letian Chen, Chengcai Chu, Guangcun He, Zuhua He, Xuehui Huang, Yongzhong Xing, Shuhua Yang, Daoxin Xie*, Yaoguang Liu* and Jiayang Li* Rice functional genomics: decades' efforts and roads ahead. Science China Life Sciences. 2022 65 33-  doi: 10.1007/s11427-021-2024-0 (并列第一作者)

8. Wubei Zong, Ding Ren, Minghui Huang, Kangli Sun, Jinglei Feng, Jing Zhao, Dongdong Xiao, Wenhao Xie, Shiqi Liu, Han Zhang, Rong Qiu, Wenjing Tang, Ruqi Yang, Hongyi Chen, Xianrong Xie, Letian Chen, Yao-Guang Liu*, and Jingxin Guo* Strong Photoperiod Sensitivity is Controlled by Cooperation and Competition among Hd1, Ghd7 and DTH8 in Rice Heading. New Phytologist (2021) Volume 229, Issue 3 1635-1649 doi: 10.1111/nph.16946

9. Yu Hao, Wubei Zong, Dongchang Zeng, Jingluan Han, Shuifu Chen, Jianian Tang, Zhe Zhao, Xiaojuan Li, Kun Ma, Xianrong Xie, Qinlong Zhu, Yuanling Chen, Xiucai Zhao, Jingxin Guo* & Yao-Guang Liu* Shortened snRNA promoters for efficient CRISPR/Cas-based multiplex genome editing in monocot plants. Sci China Life Sci 63, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11427-019-1612-6  2020

10. Huiwu Tang, Xingmei Zheng, Chuliang Li, Xianrong Xie, Yuanling Chen, Letian Chen,Xiucai Zhao, Huiqi Zheng, Jiajian Zhou, Shan Ye, Jingxin Guo*,Yao-Guang Liu*. Multi-step formation, evolution, and functionalization of new cytoplasmic male sterility genes in the plant mitochondrial genomes. Cell Research. 2017 271:130-146

11. Guo Jingxin and Liu Yao-Guang* .Long non-coding RNAs play an important role in regulating photoperiod- and temperature- sensitive male sterility in rice. Sci China Life Sci,2017, 60(4)443-444

12. Hongxia Guo, Wenzhi Zeng, Chuangyun Wang, Jing-lei Feng, Hui-wu Tang, Mei Bai, Yao-guang Liu, Li Zhao, Lujun Wang, Tao Fan, Jingxin Guo*. Expression analysis of two reverse duplicated small heat shock protein genes in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2016, 15(8): 1685–1692

13. Jing ZhaoHongyi ChenDing RenHuiwu TangRong QiuJinglei FengDanping ChenTianyu ZhongYao-Guang Liu* and Jingxin Guo*. Genetic interactions between diverged alleles of Ehd1 and Hd3a/RFT1 control differential heading and contribute to regional adaptation in rice. New Phytologist (2015) DOI: 10.1111/nph.13503 



1. 刘耀光,刘振兰,徐虹,吴豪,郭晶心,张群宇,叶珊,陈远玲;一种水稻细胞质雄性不育基因及其应用;专利授权号:ZL200810167024.0

2. 郭晶心刘耀光罗婉妮祝钦泷谭建韬  优化的玉米rZmG2基因及其在提高植物遗传转化效率中的应用专利号ZL 202210296049.0 专利申请日期 2022.3.24 授权日期 2023.5.26 公告号 CN 114736912B

3. 郭晶心罗燕秋李盛婷宗伍辈谢先荣;一种基于编辑水稻Ehd1基因启动子区的延迟水稻抽穗期和提高产量的方法,申请号 20231134793X,申请日 2023.10.17

4. 宗伍辈郭晶心肖冬冬宋银港刘耀光;一种定向培育不同感光型水稻的方法及应用,申请号 2024101646151,申请日 2024.2.5



1. 要为自己找到一个发展空间,并为之积极主动努力。经常问自己:需要得到什么,需要具备哪些能力,应该怎样去行动。

2. 懂得向周围不同的人学习不同的东西。学习优点提高自己的能力,也要学习缺点避免自己犯同样的错误。

3. 做任何事前,要想清楚,并备好所有要素。要准备好一个最好的结果和一个最坏的结果。怎么做可能会得到好的结果,疏忽了什么会得到坏的结果。

4. 懂得节省。要有点成本观念,省水省电省试剂,循环利用等,尽可能节省实验室开支。毕竟很多资源一天比一天少,另外还有不少人在为实验经费郁闷着呢。

5. 尽可能多地积累经历,并从经历中学习。哪怕是失败的经历,也会有可取的精华,不要在等待中徒耗自己的激情和梦想。

6. 碰到问题,多想几个解决方案。选择其中最有效的即刻去实施;不能解决的也要想想为什么不能解决的原因,再看看哪几个原因是可操作的,哪些是需要寻求帮助或没办法解决的。

7. 在任何环境中,都要去学习其操作流程和最精髓的东西(比如团队合作、管理、技术等),能学会的都要学会,不要抱怨没有机会;同时一定要记得:尽快成长,尽快能独立承担。

8. 一定要牢记你的目的或意图。说话、作报告、写文章都要想想:你为什么要这样?想要说明或告诉别人什么?这个方法是否可行和最佳。


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