Biomass is the oldest source of energy since human beings learned how to use fire and it still accounts for over 30% of the primary energy supply in many developing countries. Biomass is considered a carbon-neutral renewable energy resource, which is also the only type of renewable energy that can be converted into liquid fuels. Many biomass utilization technologies exist, including physical, thermochemical, and biological conversion routes. This talk will summarize these technologies to provide a holistic view of biomass to energy and materials with the associated environmental issues being discussed as well.
Dr. Kui Wang obtained his BS and MS degrees from Sichuan University. He went on to pursue his doctoral degree at Clarkson University in 2012 working on biomass solid fuel combustion for residential heating in New York State. After obtaining his Ph.D. in 2017, he went to Cornell University as a postdoc working on the hydrothermal conversion of biomass and wastes into energy, fuels, and materials. He joined HFUT in November 2021 as an Associate Professor. His work in biomass had resulted in many journal publications in highly rated energy and environmental journals, including Renewable Energy, Science of the Total Environment, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Energy Conversion and Management, etc. His work in biomass was highly credited by NYSERDA (New York State Energy Research & Development Authority) and Brookhaven National Lab for providing pivotal scientific support for the Renewable Heat NY program.