

English Version



         姓        名:刘祖培
         邮        箱:lzp2020@scau.edu.cn









2007.09-2014.06  兰州大学本硕连读;

2016.09-2019.12  中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所  博士;



2020.08-      华南农业大学植物遗传育种系首聘副教授。








1. Liu, ZP, Li, N., Zhang, Y. and Li, Y. Transcriptional repression of GIF1 by the KIX-PPD-MYC repressor complex controls seed size in Arabidopsis. Nature Communications (1), 11, 1846, IF5 year=13.610.

2. Liu, ZP#, Chen, G.#, Gao, F., Xu, R., Li, N., Zhang, Y. and Li, Y. Transcriptional repression of the APC/C activators CCS52A1/A2 by the Mediator complex subunit MED16 controls endoreduplication and cell growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (1)31(8), 1899-1912, IF5 year=10.144. (# co-first authors).

3. Wang Y, Liang X, Gong G, Zhang G, Zhao H, Zheng Z, Wang C, Zhu H, Huang J, Li Z, Bu S, Liu G, Wang S, Liu ZP (2023) qGLF5 from Oryza rufipogon Griff. improves kernel shape, plant architecture, and yield in rice. Theor. Appl. Genet. (1) 136 (11). IF year= 5.4 .(corresponding author)

4. Zhao H.Y., Fu Y, Zhang GQ, Luo YQ, Yang WF, Liang XY, Yin L, Zheng ZW, Wang YJ, Li Z, Zhu HT, Huang JY, Tan QY, Bu SH, Liu GF, Wang SK, Liu ZP. GS6.1 controls kernel size and plant architecture in rice. Planta (2), 258 (2). IF year= 4.3. (corresponding author)

5. Lin S. #, Liu ZP #, Zhang K., Yang W., Zhan P., Y., et al. GL9 from Oryza glumaepatula controls grain size and chalkiness in rice. The Crop Journal (1), IF year=6.6. (# co-first authors).

6. Li, N.#, Liu, ZP#, Wang, Z., Ru, L., Gonzalez, N., Baekelandt, A., Pauwels, L., Goossens, A., Xu, R., Zhu, Z., et al. (2018). STERILE APETALA modulates the stability of a repressor protein complex to control organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genetics (2), 14, e1007218, IF5 year=6.283. (# co-first authors).

7. Sun, Y.#, Jiao, G.#, Liu, ZP#, Zhang, X., Li, J., Guo, X., Du, W., Du, J., Francis, F., Zhao, Y., et al. Generation of High-Amylose Rice through CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Targeted Mutagenesis of Starch Branching Enzymes.  Frontiers in Plant Science (2), 8, 298, IF5 year=4.353. (# co-first authors).

8. Lv, J.#, Lu, S.#, Liu, ZP#, Zhang, J., Gao, B., Yao, Z., Wu, Y., Potempa, L.A., Ji, S., Long, M., et al. Conformational folding and disulfide bonding drive distinct stages of protein structure formation. Scientific Reports (3), 8, 1494, IF5 year=4.525. (# co-first authors).

9. Zheng, L., Wu, H., Wang, Zhang, Y., Liu ZP, Ling, H.Q., Song, X.J., Li, Y. The SOD7/DPA4–GIF1 module coordinates organ growth and iron uptake in ArabidopsisNature Plants (1), 9, 1318–1332, IF year=18.

10. Peng, Y., Chen, L., Li, S., Zhang, Y., Xu, R., Liu, ZP, Liu, W., Kong, J., Huang, X., Wang, Y., et al. (2018). BRI1 and BAK1 interact with G proteins and regulate sugar-responsive growth and development in Arabidopsis. Nature Communications (1), 9, 1522, IF5 year=13.811.

11. Huang LJ, Hua K, Xu R, Zeng DL, Wang RC, Dong GJ, Zhang GZ, Lu XL, Fang N, Wang DK, Duan PG, Zhang BL, Liu ZP, Li N, Luo YH, Qian Q, Yao SG, Li YH. The LARGE2-APO1/APO2 regulatory module controls panicle size and grain number in rice. Plant Cell  (1) 33 (4):1212-1228. IF5 year=12.085.

12. Xiong LL, Huang YY, Liu ZP, Li C, Yu H, Shahid MQ, Lin YH, Qiao XY, Xiao JY, Gray JE, Jin J. Small EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR-LIKE2 peptides regulate awn development in rice. Plant Physiology (1), 190 (1):516-531. IF5 year=7.4.

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