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1999年9月–2004年7月中国科学技术大学 获理学博士学位;
(1)企业合作项目“名称” (No. 项目号)铅酸电池正极软化机理研究,W2018JSKF0016
安徽省科学技术奖二等奖1项(2018 第3)
授权发明专利 5项
1. 陈春年*, 伏文, 周倩, 子午线轮胎中钢丝帘线粘合力寿命的测评方法,2013.2,中国,ZL201110287256.1
2. 陈春年*, 于辰伟, 伏文, 一种轮胎钢丝帘线界面成分的测定方法申请号201210164296.1
3. 陈春年*, 伏文, 于辰伟,一种预留空间的三氧化二铁@聚吡咯符合电极材料的制备方法,申请号201210053723.9
4. 陈春年*, 伏文, 于辰伟, 原位法制备氧化石墨烯-三氧化二铁纳米管复合材料的方法,申请号201210037087.0
5. 陈春年*, 付绪望, 于辰伟, 基于高强度氧化石墨烯凝胶的铅炭电池负极材料的制备, 申请号 201310462380.6
1.Chunnian Chen, Qi Zhang, Ting Ma, and Wei FanSynthesis and Electrochemical Properties ofNitrogen-Doped Graphene/Copper SulphideNanocomposite for Supercapacitor[J]. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 16, 1–6, 2016
2. Chunnian Chen*, Xuwang Fu, Wei Fan,Ting Ma, Zhongbing Wang, Shiding Miao. In-suit synthesis of core/shell structured polypyrrole/hydroquine nano-sphere and electrochemical capacitance investigations[J]. Materials letters,2015, 138:279-283.
3. Chunnian Chen*, Xuwang Fu, Wei Fan,Ting Ma. Synthesis and electrochemical properties of graphene oxide/acenaphthenquinone composite[J]. NANO, 2015, 10(2): 1550023-1-1550023-7.
4.Chunnian Chen*, Ting Ma.Synthesis and electrochemical properties of tube-like nitrogen-doped graphene/Mn3O4 composite for supercapacitors[J].Micro&Nano Letters, Accepted (26-3-2015).
5.C.N. Chen*, T. Ma, Q. Zhang, W. Fan, X.W. Fu, Z.B. Wang.Synthesis and electrochemical properties of Nitrogen-doped graphene(NG)/ nickle oxide(NiO) nanocomposite for supercapacitor[J]. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Accepted (22-4-2015).
6. Chunnian Chen, Wei Fan, Qi Zhang, Ting Ma, Xuwang Fu, Zhongbing Wang. In-situ synthesis of cabbage like polyaniline@hydroquinone nanocomposites and electrochemical capacitance investigations, Journal of Applied Polymer Science,Volume 132, Issue 29, August 5, 2015
7. Chunnian Chen, Wei Fan, Qi Zhang, Ting Ma, Zhongbing Wang. High performance of supercapacitor based on nitrogen-doped graphene/ p-aminophenol electrodes. Ionics, Volume 21, Issue 9 (2015), Page 2639-2645
8.Chunnian Chen, Wei Fan, Qi Zhang, Xuwang Fu, Han Wu. One-step hydrothermal synthesis of nitrogen and sulfur co-doped graphene for supercapacitors with high electrochemical capacitance performance. Ionics, pp 1-6, First online: 06 August 2015
8. Chunnian Chen*, Wen Fu, Chenwei Yu, A facile one-step hydrothermal method to produce α-MnO2/graphene sheet composites and its electrochemical properties. Materials Letters, 2012, 82:133–136.
10. Chunnian Chen*, ChenWei Yu, Wen Fu. Synthesis of graphite oxide (GO)/Cu2O nanocomposite and its catalytic performance under the ultrasound.NANO. 2013,3(8):1350032-1-1350032-7
11. Chunnian Chen *, Wen Fu, Qian Zhou, Fabrication of Fe2O3@polypyrrole Nanotubes and the catalytic properties under the ultrasound, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology Materials Science,2013, 28(5): 990-996
12 Chunnian Chen*, Chenwei Yu, XuWang Fu, ZhongBing Wang,Synthesis of graphite oxide-wrapped CuO nanocomposites for electrocataiytic oxidation of glucose,Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic,Metal-Organic,and Nano-Metal Chemistry ,In print(2013,5,25)
13. 付绪望,于辰伟,陈春年*,聚吡咯/氧化石墨烯/氧化铜纳米棒复合材料的制备及其对葡萄糖催化性能的研究,金属功能材料, 2013, 20(5): 27-31
14. 陈春年*, 于辰伟, 伏文, 氧化铜纳米棒/氧化石墨烯的制备及催化性能测试, 金属功能材料, 2013, 20(2):31-35
15. 伏文, 周倩, 陈春年*, 氮掺杂二氧化钛/聚吡咯纳米球的制备及其超声催化性能研究, 金属功能材料, 2012, 19(3): 21-26.
16. 周倩, 陈春年*, 伏文, 聚吡咯/氧化铜纳米管的制备及其催化性能研究, 金属功能材料, 2012, 19(3): 27-31.
17. 周倩, 陈春年*, 海参状纳米氧化铜的制备及其电化学性能表征, 体育在线365手机版学报(自然科学版), 2011, 3(34): 442-446.
18蒋利民, 陈春年*, 周倩, 张翠成, 鱼骨状碲树枝晶的制备及表征, 体育在线365手机版学报(自然科学版), 2011,34(3): 437-441
19.张翠成, 陈春年*, 蒋利民, 胡文斌, 牺牲模板法硒化铜纳米管的制备与表征. 体育在线365手机版学报(自然科学版), 2010, 33(3):449-452.
20.周倩, 陈春年*,Fabrication of polypyrrole@CuO-NTs and charactertized electrochemistry performance, 碳化学会议. 2011, 446-448.
21.Chen CN, Zhu CL, Hao LY, Hu Y, Chen ZY. Preparation of Cu2S nanoribbons from
Cu(thiocarbamide)Cl center dot 1/2H(2)O complex nanowires by solid-state reaction at room temperature without surfactants. Chemistry Letters, 2004, 33(7), 898-899.
22.Chunnian Chen, Chunling Zhua, Linyun Hao, Yuan Hu, Zuyao Chen. Preparation and characterization of the CdS/PSA core-shell “egg”.Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2004, 7(3): 322–326.
23. ChunLing Zhu, ChunNian Chen, LingYun Hao, Yuan Hu, ZuYao Chen. In-situ preparation of 1D CuO nanostructures using Cu 2(OH) 2CO 3 nanoribbons as precursor for sacrifice-template via heat-treatment. Solid State Communications, 2004, 130(10): 681-686
24. Peng Kang, Chunnian Chen, Lingyun Hao, Chunling Zhu, Yuan Hua, Zuyao Chen.A novel sonication route to prepare anthracene nanoparticles. Materials Research Bulletin, 2004, 39:545-551.
25.Zhu CL, Chen CN, Hao LY, Hu Y, Chen ZY. Template-free synthesis of Cu2O(OH)(3) nanoribbons and use as sacrificial template for CuO nanoribbon. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2004, 263: 473-479.
26. Ling-YunHao,Chun-LingZhu, Wan-QuanJiang, Chun-NianChen, Yuan Hub and Zu-Yao Chen. Sandwich Fe2O3@SiO2@PPy ellipsoidal spheres and four typesof hollow capsules by hematite olivary particles. J. Mater. Chem, 2004, 14, 2929 – 29 34
27.Lingyun Hao, Chunling Zhu, Chunnian Chen, Peng Kang, Yuan Hua, Weicheng Fan, Zuyao Chen. Fabrication of silica core–conductive polymer polypyrrole shell composite particles and polypyrrole capsule on monodispersed silica templates. Synthetic Metals, 2003, 139:391-396.
28.Zhongbing Wang, Zihao Zhu, Chunlei Zhang, Chengqiao Xu, Chunnian Chen
Facile synthesis of reduced graphene oxide/NiMn2O4 nanorods hybrid materials for high-performance supercapacitors[J].Electrochimica Acta.Volume 230, 10 March 2017, Pages 438–444.
29.Zhongbing, Chunlei Zhang, Chengqiao , XuZihao Zhu, Chunnian Chen.Hollow polypyrrole nanosphere embedded in nitrogen-doped graphene layers to obtain a three-dimensional nanostructure as electrode material for electrochemical supercapacitor[J].Ionics. January 2017, Volume 23, Issue 1, pp 147–156.